The Fluffy Puppy is a grade 1 concert march depicting the playfulness and loyalty of a dog and their owner.
Each strain or trio represents a different mood of a dog’s life, whether happy, playful or sleepy.
Measures 1-4 Introduction
Snare Drum sticks click should be played above the drum up by the player’s head. The sound
quality of the stick is important as it represents the playful actions of the dog.
Measures 5-12 First Strain
The staccato notes of the flute, oboe, tenor sax, trombone, baritone and mallets represent the
playful bark of a dog trying to get their owner’s attention. Special attention should be given to the
bass drum in measure 12 on beat 3.
Measures 13-20 First Strain (Repeat)
The dog and their owner begin to play. TThe percussion rhythms and accompaniment lines
become “busier” to show the dog’s and owner’s playful connection. Upper woodwinds join in the
melody leaving the playful barking to the tenor sax, trombone and baritone. The clarinets have an
important line in measures 13-16 representing the dog’s playful attitude.
Measures 21-30 Second Strain
The second strain is an interaction between the owner and the dog. The low brass/woodwinds
represent the owner while the dog answers with the woodwinds and French horn. Special attention
should be given to the sound of the rim click on the snare drum. The sticks should be played with
the upper center of the stick and the top of the drum.
Measures 31-48 Trio
It is sleepy time for the dog. The woodblocks (temple blocks) should represent a tick-tock rhythm
as the dog sleeps. The flutes, oboe and mallets continue to represent the playful bark and the dog
Measures 49-52 Drum Break
The percussion section performs a drum break as the dog is awake again and ready to play.
Measures 52-End Recap of the Trio Theme
It is playful time again! The melody should now be played separated and light in a marcato style.
Continue to emphasize the sticks click in the snare drum as it represents play time and the dog and
owner playing fetch.